Finn Arundel

Finn Arundel is a designer based in Melbourne, Australia. He has received his Bachelor of Communication Design from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.


The Library Cafe

The Library Cafe is a hybrid cafe, bookshop, and community centre based in Melbourne, Australia.

The Library Cafe aims to provide a space for community interaction and engagement. They nurture local creative and political communities by offering a welcoming physical space in which they can meet to share and discuss ideas important to them. They facilitate workshops and events in which local community members and come in to teach, learn, and participate in discussion. The Library Cafe believes meaningful education is best achieved in a warm, collaborative environment.

The Library Cafe's design philosophy is inspired by the goal to create a compelling, modern identity that will help it stand out from other businesses. The identity should reflect the company’s unique qualities and focus on community and education.

Caretaker's Cottage

A self initiated branding project for Melbourne public bar, Caretaker's Cottage. The design combines the heritage of the site with the contemporary and inviting atmosphere the bar has already created. The branding is applied consistently across a range of touchpoints, including menus, apparel and glassware, in a way that will resonate with the bar's diverse customer base.


Design for mock bionics company Nuada. Inspired by the ultra-utilitarian design of non-consumer products such caution labels and battery graphics. Work includes custom typographic logo based on modular shape system.


A computer-generated asemic typeface. The work seeks to highlight the issues present in the misunderstood and enigmatic AI systems that are increasingly making decisions that affect billions of lives. The typeface is presented in an online type sampler which utilises a Markov chain algorithm to generate paragraphs based on significant economic, political and philosophical writings. The typeface is unreadable to humans, but words can be revealed through interaction with the web-page. Plaese message for the font file.


Arrival is a collaborative research-led project undertaken by myself and Fergus Arundel. The project aims to visualise historic and contemporary events surrounding Australia’s relationship with immigration through a web-based digital space.

Artificial Nature

Artificial Nature is a video and sonic work, aestheticising scientific tools and knowledge. It is the result of an artist-in-residency program at Testing Grounds, and is exhibiting as part of Public Art Park 2023. As part of PAP 2023, I also ran a workshop teaching a data-sonification technique I had developed during the residency.

The work utilises satellite imagery from the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-2 mission. The method of band wavelength combinations is reinterpreted for aesthetic purposes, with a series of false colour images produced alongside scientific true-colour and infrared combinations.

The sonic component of the work is created through a data-sonification of an EOSDIS data-set, comprising global natural disaster events from the year 1970 to 2021. Through a series of software, the data is played through month by month, with a specific note assigned to each category of disaster, which is triggered if the event occurs in the selected month.

View the project here, and the residency journal here.